set & Costume design
Venue: Greenwich Theatre, Underbelly Pottersrow, UK Tour
Director: Yaz Al-Shaater
Slick scenic transitions use framed, moving (and appropriately, venetian) blinds. The company make good use of the space (Underbelly’s Potterrow venue), with slick transitions and it was refreshing change pace from many of the more static shows that I’ve seen at so far at this years Fringe.
Shakespeare’s Othello is beautifully interpreted and phenomenally acted out in this sublime production. The props are smart –the doorframe shutters are excellently used, creating an ingenious spatiality on stage, transporting us between rooms, houses, streets and countries.
A bold, energetic and enjoyable interpretation... Ultimately, the main concern should be whether these productions are any good. And in the case of Smooth Faced Gentlemen's all-female Othello, the answer's yes.